Thursday, July 27, 2006

Leon con Leche

I recently understood a little bit of Spanish humor. Not particularly good humor, but it made me feel special nonetheless. First I shall give you the background information:

At one particular point in time, Castilla and Leon were regions of their own. Today they are a province with the ever-so-clever title, ¨Castilla y Leon¨. Throughout the province, there are some individuals who think Leon should be an independent nation. These dorky high-schoolers write in spray paint on the wall, ¨LEON SOLO¨. We´ve seen this often.

Coffee here is simply with milk or with out it. You get a ¨Cafe con Leche¨ (with) or a ¨Cafe Solo¨ (without)

Now, last week we saw the usual ¨LEON SOLO¨ on the wall. Only this time, someone had added underneith, ¨¿O CON LECHE?¨ (Or with milk) Get it? Leon con leche? Ha-ha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Leon has centuries of history and this Leon Solo thing is not coming from youth shool boys. Actually all level of the sociaty see and belive both regions should be separated to what they were no long time ago.
A clear example is me, I was born before 1983 (year in which the spanish administration decided to join both regions without consulting people) therefore I was born Leonese but then was re-born Castillan and Leon from one day to other. Since then the economy (in particular) has gone down dramaticaly and this might've been caused by the fact many business have moved to other places in Castille or by the lack of opportunuties given to the leonese provinces. Just in Leon province the 10% of its population has left the proncice seeking for a better life. All I am saying and people belive is that the leonese regions are rich and could be auto-govermed much better by itself. Castille and Leon is too big, almost as big as Portugal therefore it is very hard to admind due to its large extention.
This is a video from the last protest in Leon:
as you can see there are people from all the ages.

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Leon has centuries of history and this Leon Solo thing is not coming from youth shool boys. Actually all level of the sociaty see and belive both regions should be separated to what they were no long time ago.
A clear example is me, I was born before 1983 (year in which the spanish administration decided to join both regions without consulting people) therefore I was born Leonese but then was re-born Castillan and Leon from one day to other. Since then the economy (in particular) has gone down dramaticaly and this might've been caused by the fact many business have moved to other places in Castille or by the lack of opportunuties given to the leonese provinces. Just in Leon province the 10% of its population has left the proncice seeking for a better life. All I am saying and people belive is that the leonese regions are rich and could be auto-govermed much better by itself. Castille and Leon is too big, almost as big as Portugal therefore it is very hard to admind due to its large extention.
This is a video from the last protest in Leon:
as you can see there are people from all the ages.

4:52 PM  

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